apply Level To Mob
abstract fun applyLevelToMob(lmEntity: LivingEntityWrapper, level: Int, isSummoned: Boolean, bypassLimits: Boolean, additionalLevelInformation: MutableSet<AdditionalLevelInformation>?)
This method applies a level to the target mob.
You can run this method on a mob regardless if they are already levelled or not.
This method DOES NOT check if it is LEVELLABLE. It is assumed that plugins make sure this is the case (unless they intend otherwise).
It is highly recommended to leave bypassLimits = false, unless the desired behaviour is to override the user-configured limits.
Thread-safety intended, but not tested.
lm Entity
target mob
the level the mob should have
is Summoned
if the mob was spawned by LevelledMobs, not by the server
bypass Limits
whether LM should disregard max level, etc.
additional Level Information
used to determine the source event