
object Utils

Holds common utilities


lokka30, stumper66




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fun adaptVanillaSpawnReason(spawnReason: CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason): LevelledMobSpawnReason
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Puts the string into lowercase and makes every character that starts a word a capital letter.

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fun displayChunkLocation(location: Location): String
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fun filterPlayersList(entities: MutableList<Player>, mob: LivingEntity, maxDistance: Double?): MutableList<Player>
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fun getChunkKey(chunk: Chunk): Long
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@Contract(value = "_, _ -> new", pure = true)
fun <T, U> getPair(first: T, second: U): Map.Entry<T, U>
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fun isBiomeInModalList(list: CachedModalList<Biome>, biome: Biome, rulesManager: RulesManager): Boolean
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fun isDouble(str: String?): Boolean
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Check if str is an integer

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fun parseTimeUnit(input: String?, defaultTime: Long?, useMS: Boolean, sender: CommandSender?): Long?
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fun replaceAllInList(oldList: MutableList<String>, replaceWhat: String, replaceTo: String?): MutableList<String>
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fun replaceEx(message: String, replaceWhat: String, replaceTo: String): String

Replaces content of a message with case insensitivity.

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fun round(value: Double): Double

Rounds value to 2 decimal points.

fun round(value: Double, digits: Int): Double
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