Package-level declarations
A standardized list used for holding various rule lists
This is the list of groups that can be associated with one of more custom drop items
Used to load various configuration files and migrate if necessary
Migrates older yml versions to the latest available
Holds the mob level and name when a mob is killed so the information can be recorded
A wrapper for the LivingEntity class that provides various common function and settings used for processing rules Used only with the summon command
Holds all of the NamespacedKeys used by LevelledMobs
Used to mobs have a nametag cooldown timer where the nametag stays always visible for a configurable amount of time
This exception should be thrown when a feature in a plugin requires a certain server version, but the server running the plugin isn't running a recent enough Minecraft version to do so.
Holds various functions for interacting with items that an entity has picked up previously and was record in the entity's PDC
Holds info on a player when they join the server or world
Used as a placeholder for when a number or a number-range is passed from a user argument
Holds a string and provides methods to run various string replacement operations
A custom implementation for comparing program versions