
class PlaceholderApiIntegration : PlaceholderExpansion

Manages communication to PlaceholderAPI (PAPI)






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open override fun canRegister(): Boolean
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fun configurationContains(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String): Boolean
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operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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@Contract(value = "_, !null -> !null")
operator fun get(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String, p1: Any): @Nullable Any?
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open override fun getAuthor(): String
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fun getBoolean(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String, p1: Boolean): Boolean
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fun getConfigSection(): @Nullable ConfigurationSection?
fun getConfigSection(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String): @Nullable ConfigurationSection?
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@ApiStatus.ScheduledForRemoval(inVersion = "2.13.0")
open fun getDescription(): String
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fun getDouble(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String, p1: Double): Double
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open fun getExpansionType(): PlaceholderExpansion.Type
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open override fun getIdentifier(): String
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fun getInt(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String, p1: Int): Int
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@ApiStatus.ScheduledForRemoval(inVersion = "2.13.0")
open fun getLink(): String
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fun getLong(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String, p1: Long): Long
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open fun getName(): @NotNull String
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fun getPlaceholderAPI(): @NotNull PlaceholderAPIPlugin
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open fun getPlaceholders(): @NotNull MutableList<String>
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@ApiStatus.ScheduledForRemoval(inVersion = "2.13.0")
open fun getPlugin(): String
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open fun getRequiredPlugin(): @Nullable String?
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@Contract(value = "_, !null -> !null")
fun getString(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String, @Nullable p1: @Nullable String?): @Nullable String?
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fun getStringList(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String): @NotNull MutableList<String>
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open override fun getVersion(): String
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open fun info(p0: String)
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open fun log(p0: Level, p1: String)
open fun log(p0: Level, p1: String, p2: Throwable)
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open override fun onPlaceholderRequest(player: Player?, identifier: String): String?
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open fun onRequest(p0: OfflinePlayer, @NotNull p1: @NotNull String): @Nullable String?
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open override fun persist(): Boolean
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fun playedLoggedOut(player: Player)
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fun putPlayerOrMobDeath(player: Player, lmEntity: LivingEntityWrapper?, isPlayerDeath: Boolean)
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open fun register(): Boolean
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fun removePlayer(player: Player)
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open fun setExpansionType(p0: PlaceholderExpansion.Type)
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open fun severe(p0: String)
open fun severe(p0: String, p1: Throwable)
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override fun toString(): String
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open fun warning(p0: String)