Package-level declarations
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object DebugSubcommand
Parses commands for various debug stuff
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object InfoSubcommand
Shows LevelledMobs information such as the version number
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object KillSubcommand
Allows you to kill LevelledMobs with various options including all levelled mobs, specific worlds or levelled mobs in your proximity
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object ReloadSubcommand
Reloads all LevelledMobs configuration from disk
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object RulesSubcommand
Shows the current rules as parsed from the various config files
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Provides common function between SpawnerSubCommand and SpawnerEggCommand
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Gives the user a specialized spawn egg that only spawns mobs within certain level criteria
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Gives the user a specialized spawner that only spawns mobs within certain level criteria
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Holds information on used for creating a spawner cube, egg or mob summon
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object SummonSubcommand
Summons a levelled mob with a specific level and criteria