Package-level declarations
Holds results information when applying custom drops
Holds various options relating to the chunk kill feature
When in conjunction when a customdrops is being processed
Holds settings relating to the custom death messages feature
Holds any custom multipliers values parsed from rules.yml
Holds any rule information regarding the health indicator
Holds any rule information relating to leveled tiers
Used in rules to manipulate the various mob multipliers
Provides a common interface for various rules that can be merged together
Provides a list of strings that can be optionally merged together
Holds function to generate metrics to be sent to bstats
Holds two int or float values that are usually used to define a min and max value
Holds various info used for parsing rules.yml
Manages all rules that are parsed from rules.yml and applied to various defined mobs
Contains the logic that parses rules.yml and reads them into the corresponding java classes
Holds the values parsed from rules.yml used with the tiered placeholder for nametags
Specifies a region based on coordinates that can be used in a rule condition